Hi there all, just been playing on my old Dreamcast lately, and thought I had a pretty good time for Windy Valley with Tails, until I saw all the times here and started wondering how it was possible to be so fast. I thought my 1:18:-- was good. Then I started thinking about it logically, and worked out a way. I've just hit 00:30:01, and still practicing my approach.
My question is this. Does the Gamecube (*IF* I get it, I'll probably stick to console) version have any significant upgrades in terms of, well, namely draw distance. One of my biggest issues is that I can't see where the bridges are until they start drawing. But I figure the Gamecube version would draw them much sooner than a Dreamcast.
But the wider topic I'm interested in is; What differences exist, in terms of gameplay (not special features) between the original version, and the new release of DX.
Have a great one. :)